作为一个专门机构和知识型组织,APSTA 依赖于高技能、忠诚和敬业的专业人员。 鉴于我们在和平与安全的协调、统一、倡导和标准化方面的战略议程所面临的积极和激动人心的挑战,我们在培训、研究和信息领域的专业知识和全球影响力比以往任何时候都更加重要。 APSTA 的地域多元化和性别平衡,致力于拥有一支能干、积极主动和敬业的员工队伍,他们以最高的诚信行事,并有权支持我们实现非洲和平与安全的能力。
作为一个专门机构和知识型组织,APSTA 依赖于高技能、忠诚和敬业的专业人员。 鉴于我们在和平与安全的协调、统一、倡导和标准化方面的战略议程所面临的积极和激动人心的挑战,我们在培训、研究和信息领域的专业知识和全球影响力比以往任何时候都更加重要。 APSTA 的地域多元化和性别平衡,致力于拥有一支能干、积极主动和敬业的员工队伍,他们以最高的诚信行事,并有权支持我们实现非洲和平与安全的能力。
APSTA 秉承以下核心价值观作为其运营的指导原则:
APSTA 实习机会旨在为一小群优秀的研究生提供直接接触 APSTA 工作的机会,目的是通过了解 APSTA 的目标、原则和活动,加深他们的实践知识和技能。 实习旨在通过各个专业方面的实践经验补充以发展为导向的研究。 这样一来,APSTA 也将从实习生对其计划和活动的贡献中受益。 作为一个泛非协会,APSTA 寻求通过偏爱非洲学生而不必歧视其他民族并在整个非洲提供实践培训和技能发展的平等机会来增强非洲的认同感。
APSTA 实习计划在经验丰富的主管和团队成员的监督下,为您提供多元文化环境中的实际工作经验。 除了帮助您了解本组织的任务、运作范围和计划以及主要重点之外,它还可以通过相关的工作任务和网络机会提高您的学术知识,帮助您为未来的职业生涯做好准备。
Samuel is an ICT intern who brings on board r...
Samuel is an ICT intern who brings on board rich experience and knowledge in Web development, Graphics, Content management, Systems operations and ICT network, Database management and designs, Internet and technical support services. His valuable contributions to the ICT/KM Office have shaped operations. Samuel also ensures that, he provides technical ICT/KM advice to the ICT Office and the Secretariat on policies and procedures. Samuel is tasked to :
Having the APSTA experience is a step to both...
Having the APSTA experience is a step to both local and international engagement. Rikiatou is an intern assigned to front desk and reception at APSTA. She brings on board rich experience in Coorporate customer care. She also seeks to upgrade her Coorporate skills to advance her competences. Her task cuts across various offices and support services but not limited to :
Benefiting from a practical work experience a...
Benefiting from a practical work experience at APSTA is an opportunity and an advantage for a reliable carrier in my future job prospects. As on intern, I bring a wealth of knowledge to APSTA in the area of statistical analysis focused on conflict and intervention in Africa.
Durant seeks to develop his intellectual capacity in foreign relations, economics and business management. Durant’s tasks are:
As a research intern assistant in APSTA, I co...
As a research intern assistant in APSTA, I conducted several literature reviews, data collection, provided support in writing research reports and policy briefs. As well, I equally attended various workshops and seminars which expanded my knowledge of the latest trends and developments in the humanitarian field.
My experience at APSTA gave me the opportunity to deepen my knowledge about understanding the importance of research in the field of peace and security. This furthered my interest in pursuing a career in this field. Overall, my time as a research intern assistant at APSTA was a valuable learning experience.