22 Jul APSTA Work Plan 2020-2022 Development Meeting
The Ecole de Maintien de la Paix, Alioune Blondin Beye (EMPABB) Bamako Mali, which currently holds the Presidency (Chairpersonship) of the African Peace Support Trainers Association (APSTA), hosted the Work Plan 2020-2022 Development Meeting, 28-30 January 2020, in Bamako, Mali. The Director of EMPABB, Col Major Mody Berethe, who is Chairperson of APSTA de facto, received the Secretariat delegation led by the Executive Secretary, Dr Cecile Oyono THOM.
The main objective of the meeting was to draft the framework APSTA 3-year Work Plan 2020-2022. Accordingly, the meeting articulated a draft Work Plan for the Secretariat, guided by APSTA Strategic Plan 2014-2019, whose un-implemented programmes and activities were largely rolled-over into the new plan. Deliberations were also informed by an awareness of the imperative of the first 10-year implementation plan of African Union (AU) Agenda 2063, including the initiative on Silencing the Guns by 2020. Thus, the draft Work Plan consists of 4 strategic Pillars, as follows :
- Policy and Strategy
- Study and Research
- Regional Capacities Enhancement
- Institutional Capacity Enhancement
Subject to reviews, inputs and observations from Member Institutions, the APSTA Work Plan 2020-2022, provides the necessary roadmap for attaining the Mission of the Association within the period, pending the finalization of a new strategic plan. The Executive Secretary and her team, at the margins of the meeting, also paid courtesy visits to the Ministers of Defence and Veterans Affairs as well as Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Mali; and the African Union Mission for Mali and Sahel.
The Chairperson, considering the positive outcome of these courtesy visits, recommended similar visits and engagements with other partners, Regional Economic Communities, Member Institutions and African Union, as statutory responsibility of the Executive Secretary, in order to expand the visibility of the Association for necessary partnerships and collaborations, going forward.